Prairie Fiber Arts Guild

Marie McClintic has been involved in working with various forms of fiber arts “for about a hundred years,” Marie laughingly admits. Actually she has been a member of the Prairie Fiber Arts Guild since 1989.
Prairie Fiber Arts Guild is an association of fiber minded individuals who are dedicated to the fiber arts and to the preservation and education of the skills involved in fiber arts.
They do a variety of different fiber crafts. Some weave rag rugs while others knit, spin, crochet, make baskets, and do wood turning.
Marie and other guild members have given many demonstrations that cover the basic steps of hand weaving, beginning spinning, natural dyeing, and knitting.
“We have demonstrated how to card, dye, and spin wool, as well as how to weave,” Marie said.
Marie explained the steps required to get wool from the sheep and into a garment ready to wear. Once the wool is washed and carded it is ready for spinning.
“It’s really easy to spin wool,” Marie stated. “All you need is practice, lots of practice!”
When the spinning is complete, the yarn is rinsed gently in warm water and hung up to drip dry. When it is dry, it is ready to weave, crochet, or knit.
Marie does both knitting and weaving as is shown by the products she had on display. Two triangle-shaped garments were woven on the triangle loom she showed at the demonstration. Other members in the guild specialize in weaving, knitting, etc. Some do a little of everything.
“Dyeing wool, spinning yarn, and weaving rag rugs is better and more enjoyable in a group setting than doing it by myself,” Marie admits. That is one reason why she enjoys working with wool and giving talks and demonsctions.
(Exerpt from story by Dorene Nelson)