Sawmill, Threshing, Plowing and Spark Show

Jason Mentele’s drone is visible in the sky in this photo, recording the plowing segment of the video
If you were lucky, and looked up in the sky at just the right time at the James Valley Threshing Show, you might have spotted a drone hovering over the field, cruising above one activity and then another. It was Jason Mentele’s drone videoing the sights that make this show such a wondrous adventure. He managed to capture the highlights in a way our forefathers could never have imagined! It truly represents a significant meeting of the past with the newest creations of the 21st Century.
Sit back and take in the whole experience. The video opens early in the morning, when the fields and tractor show and the sawmill are being readied for the crowds that will soon arrive. From there we are taken to an incredible show of threshing, where men and powerful big steam engines perform the labor-intensive chores of separating grain from the straw bundles that dot the field. And then on to the largest plowing demonstrations in the country, showing off the huge noisy and powerful steam powered tractors that shake the ground and fill the sky with black smoke as they pull their many-bottomed plows across the tough prairie soil. With people movers, golf carts and other small vehicles able to drive right next to the engines, it’s possible for show-goers to get the closest view possible of these steam powered tractors and hard working field hands doing farming as it was done a century ago. Thrilling! Finally, Jason concludes this 38 minute video with a drone’s eye view of the nightly Spark Show, a fiery spectacle that can only be seen at events like ours. So sit back and enjoy the show! |
Thank you Jason for providing this magnificent experience for all of us!
A few more views of the plowing demonstration: